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Hello, I'm

Meshwil Dias

I'm part of Kent University's Class of 2024, where I'm on a journey to earn my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I've been exploring the world of Computer Science since my time in Sixth Form, and I'm comfortable with a bunch of programming languages and frameworks. When I'm not in class, you'll often find me diving into new tech stuff, like DevOps and Cloud.

I'm also extremely passionate about my software projects, which I work on either solo or with my buddies. Beyond academics, I like to stay active with activities like powerlifting and badminton. Sometimes, for fun, my friends and I like to tackle leetcode problems. And in those rare moments of free time, you might catch me gaming, building cool keyboards and computers, or going on food shopping trips with my mates.

My Education

University of Kent

Bachelors in Computer Science | Sep 2021 - Jun 2024

Cumulative Average: 80%. First Class Predicted

Relevant Coursework;
(1st Year):
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Computers and the Cloud, Human-Computer Interaction, Foundations of Computing 1 (Mathematics), Further Object-Oriented Programming, Foundations of Computing 2 (Mathematics), Problem Solving with Algorithms, Databases an the Web.
(2nd Year): Computer Systems, Theory of Computing, Algorithms Correctness and Efficiency, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Functional Programming, Software Development, Introduction to Cyber Security.
(3rd Year i.e. current): Video Games Development (Unity), Computational Intelligence in Business, Economics and Finance, Internet of Things, Solving Problems with Data and Text, Blockchain Systems, Computational Creativity

St. Gregorys Catholic Science College

A-Levels | Sep 2018 - Apr 2021

Subjects: Business Studies, Computer Science & Psychology

Grades received: BBB

Relevant Coursework:Python Programming, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures and Algorithms.

Personal Projects

Technical Skills

Programming Languages
Webdev & Frameworks
Database & Other tech
Learning right now

I'm currently using the Linux operating linux specifically MintOS inorder to specialise in DevOps and to get comfortable to writing scripts to automate my daily tasks and project testing.

Contact Me

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